As of 22 March 2020, 14:00 Hr. a total of 315 suspected cases have been tested for COVID-19 by Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR) and Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research (KCCR).
Twenty-four (24) of these have been confirmed at the laboratory as COVID-19. Twenty-three of the confirmed cases are receiving treatment in isolation and one (1) of the cases who had underlying chronic pulmonary condition prior to having COVID-19 has died.
Among the confirmed cases, seventeen (17) are of Ghanaian nationality and seven (7) other nationals namely: Norway, Lebanon, China, France, UK.
With regards to contact tracing, a total of 575 contacts have been identified and are being tracked.
One (1) of the contacts developed symptoms and has been confirmed positive.
All the other twenty-three (23) confirmed cases are being managed in isolation; and are doing well on treatment